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Reiki and Tarot Center


Reconnect With Yourself

The path to transformation begins with “YOU”.

On this path, your experience is the best teacher

I’ll just help you connect to yourself..

- Shanu Goyal

Reiki & Tarot Center

Chakra Balancing


To embark on a spiritual journey it is necessary to first come face to face with self. No one starts this journey without any wound. A wounded person often stops and asks, “Why Me? ”. In this state, he is often pulled by the higher forces to begin a search for the answers that he seeks. When the desire in this seeker reaches the peak, his spiritual journey starts. The first step is often the most difficult one as one has to peel the layers of the wounds one by one. To do so, one has to relive the pain, befriend the pain, understand it and then release the pain.

We help you heal through several programs and healing modalities. Healing is always a two way -process where the participation of the healee (one who receives healing) is very important.

We can give consultations both one-on- one and distance, to help you reach the root cause of the problem. This is to help you understand deeply, where is the root of the problem and what can you do about it.

Cutting Cords

As we move through our lives — growing, learning, evolving — we must necessarily let go of that which no longer serves us.

Aura Cleansing

What is an Aura?
Aura is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds people, animals, and things. Auras are all...

Invoking crystal devas

Crystals are formed over millions of years and appear in all colors, shapes and sizes on planets all over the cosmos, not just on Planet Earth.

Psychic Self-Defense

In this world today there are many physical and non-physical energies that are searching for energy source to attach to for...

Guided Meditations

Guided meditation is a state of relaxed concentration invoked and led by a guide. It can be a yoga instructor, a religious guide,...

Chakra Balancing

The chakras are subtle energy centres that are aligned with the Central channel (Sushumnānāḍī) of the Kunḍalinī system. There are...

More About Us

Inner transformation is a journey all the way with its own set of upheavals. There’s no destination but the journey itself is quite enjoyable. I embarked on this journey around 15 years back. Nothing was easy but I kept moving forward on the path and was guided and protected by my Angles, Divine Beings of light, Spirit allies and Lord Shiva.

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​"Thank you for conducting this session Shanu. The program was very peaceful and comforting. The atmosphere created by you was so relaxing that half the pain vanshied because of it. I felt very happy and light on the inside after attending your session. I would love to join you in more such programs."

Rinku Mehta

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